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This package provides publishers and subscribers that are specific to ROS.


   type: BagReader
      #  The bag file name.
      bag: data.bag
      #  If the cropper cell is enabled
      crop_enabled: True
      #  The ROS topic for the depth camera info.
      depth_camera_info: /camera/depth_registered/camera_info
      #  The ROS topic for the depth image.
      depth_image_topic: /camera/depth_registered/image_raw
      #  The ROS topic for the RGB camera info.
      rgb_camera_info: /camera/rgb/camera_info
      #  The ROS topic for the RGB image.
      rgb_image_topic: /camera/rgb/image_color
      #  The maximum x value (in the camera reference frame)
      x_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum x value (in the camera reference frame)
      x_min: -3.40282346639e+38
      #  The maximum y value (in the camera reference frame)
      y_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum y value (in the camera reference frame)
      y_min: -3.40282346639e+38
      #  The maximum z value (in the camera reference frame)
      z_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum z value (in the camera reference frame)
      z_min: -3.40282346639e+38

   type: RosKinect
      #  If the cropper cell is enabled
      crop_enabled: True
      #  The ROS topic for the depth camera info.
      depth_camera_info: /camera/depth_registered/camera_info
      #  The ROS topic for the depth image.
      depth_image_topic: /camera/depth_registered/image_raw
      #  The ROS topic for the RGB camera info.
      rgb_camera_info: /camera/rgb/camera_info
      #  The ROS topic for the RGB image.
      rgb_image_topic: /camera/rgb/image_color
      #  The maximum x value (in the camera reference frame)
      x_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum x value (in the camera reference frame)
      x_min: -3.40282346639e+38
      #  The maximum y value (in the camera reference frame)
      y_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum y value (in the camera reference frame)
      y_min: -3.40282346639e+38
      #  The maximum z value (in the camera reference frame)
      z_max: 3.40282346639e+38
      #  The minimum z value (in the camera reference frame)
      z_min: -3.40282346639e+38


   type: Publisher
      #  The DB parameters
      db_params: <object_recognition_core.boost.interface.ObjectDbParameters object at 0x2b06a9074418>
      #  Determines if the topics will be latched.
      latched: True
      #  The ROS topic to use for the marker array.
      markers_topic: markers
      #  The ROS topic to use for the object meta info string
      object_ids_topic: object_ids
      #  The ROS topic to use for the pose array.
      pose_topic: poses
      #  Sets whether the point cloud clusters have to be published or not
      publish_clusters: True
      #  The ROS topic to use for the recognized object
      recognized_object_array_topic: recognized_object_array